Monday, April 9, 2018


The first of its kind program in the Kingdom and the region 

“CBAHI” launched the specialized Medical Coding Program( MCP) 

Under its direct supervision and initiative, the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI), has organized in Riyadh, at the Holiday Inn Palace Hotel, the second phase of the training program specifically designed for qualifying certified medical coding professionals, at the first level. This program concerned and targeted medical coding professionals whom are interested in providing remote coding services to the Saudi Ministry of Health. The program provided training in the International Classification of Diseases, Australian Amendment (ICD-10-AM).  

MCP aims this year to qualify 75 medical coders to work in the Ministry of Health, added to those 25 individuals who were trained last year. This is the first-of-its-kind program to be held in the Kingdom and the whole region.  


Commenting on the Program, Dr. Salim Abdullah  Al Wahabi, Director General of CBAHI, said: "Tis is a totally  matchless program we are most proud to initiate and launch. Having additional coders will hopefully support and help the MOH in sharing decisions, plans, policies, and resources utilization as well.  

Dr Al Wahabi considered that “ This program is  in consistence with the Kingdom Vision 2030, at the same time supporting the National Transition Program initiatives.”  


Emerging from the Saudi Health Council as a non-profit organization dated back to 2001, the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI) is the official agency authorized to grant accreditation certificates to all governmental and private healthcare facilities operating today in Saudi Arabia. CBAHI’s principal function is to set the healthcare quality and patient safety standards against which all healthcare facilities are evaluated for evidence of compliance.