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Welcome to the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions Website.
The Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions supports healthcare facilities with the intention of providing better and safer healthcare services through introducing quality and safety standards along with field assessment visits.
We do not guarantee that these standards will eliminate all medical errors, nor do we suggest that every patient will automatically receive all of his rights without compromise, and we understand that our hospitals will not immediately be comparable to the best medical centers in the world. However, we simply hope that the integration of these standards, combined with an exuberant commitment to their maintenance, will create an environment where neither the patient, nor the visitors, nor the healthcare providers will be exposed to any hazard. To achieve this end, these standards have become essential to achieving increased satisfaction of all who enter the Kingdom’s healthcare facilities, increasing their quality and safety and earning public praise.
CBAHI website evolved over an extended period of time through a combination of efforts. It is our hope that it becomes a hub of information related to healthcare quality and patient safety in the Kingdom.  We seek to honorably represent our healthcare partners such as hospitals, medical centers, surveyors, facility staff, employees, and all members of society. We diligently seek to stay current with advanced electronic integration systems, and  we believe that we have been able to achieve a great deal through this website and it will undergo further improvements and developments as required.
We welcome every comment and suggestion, as they draw our path towards continuous learning and improvement. 

Thank you for spending your valuable time browsing the contents of this website.


Dr. Salim Abdullah Alwahabi