An Administrative Committee for the Center has been formed, composed of experts and specialists from healthcare providers and the private sector in the Kingdom, headed by the Center's Director General, pursuant to a Ministry decision. This committee is responsible for the following:
- Proposing the objectives, policies, and general plans for the Center to achieve its objectives, as well as the necessary programs, and overseeing their implementation after their approval by the Health Services Council.
- Proposing the administrative and financial regulations for the Center, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Service, as well as other internal regulations.
- Adopting unified standards for healthcare facilities.
- Adopting the evaluation results of all healthcare facilities.
- Coordinating with the relevant authorities to take appropriate action against healthcare facilities that fail to meet the standards or are unable to implement them.
- Coordinating with the relevant authorities to link the licensing and renewal of healthcare facilities, as well as the provision of health insurance services, to obtaining accreditation.
- Proposing the establishment of branches or offices in the Kingdom's regions, in preparation for accreditation by the Health Services Council.
- Determining the financial fees for services provided by the Center within its area of expertise, in preparation for accreditation by the Health Services Council.
- Proposing the formation of technical committees and submitting them to the Health Services Council for approval and determining their powers to accomplish the matters presented to them.